Residential Life
Miles works hard and plays hard. You'll see it in the residence halls and cafeteria — music playing, people dancing, game nights and res hall tugs of war.... all with a sense of respect and pride.

Where You’ll Live
Welcome to "living-learning communities" — residence halls created around shared majors and interests. Living among people who have similar goals and passions means you can exchange ideas and knowledge, and get together for movie nights and karaoke.

Your Resident Assistant
Whichever residence hall you live in, you'll have a resident assistant. RAs are upper-class undergraduate student staff members who live in the residence halls and help support students by creating programs and experiences.

Your Health and Wellness
What are you going to do if you wake up sick, or anxiety interferes with of your studies? Head to the Health and Wellness Center. A doctor, a nurse, and a mental health counselor are here for you