C.A. Kirkendoll Learning Resources Center (LRC)
Library Mission
The C.A. Kirkendoll Learning Resources Center seeks to uphold and advance the mission and vision of the college. The Learning Resources Center is committed to the support of unconventional instruction, advanced research, and providing a conducive learning environment for student support while acquiring, organizing, and facilitating, technological services, thereby enabling graduates to become responsible citizens who help shape the global society.
The library supports students and faculty in their educational and instructional goals by providing on-site and off-campus access to a variety of resources and an environment that promotes inquiry. The Kirkendoll Learning Resources Center opened for service on February 13, 1978, and was officially dedicated on October 17, 1978.
The Learning Resources Center (LRC) is named in honor of Bishop Chester Arthur Kirkendoll, then presiding Bishop of the Fifth Episcopal District of the Christian Methodist Episcopal Church (CME) and Chairman of the Board of Trustees of Miles College. The Center embodies the concept of integrated support services and enrichment to the instructional program of the College by providing information resources in both digitized and printed formats.
The Kirkendoll Learning Resources Center is comprised of four levels, located on the west side of the campus. Upon the recent renovation of the facility in the summer of 2021, the LRC Academic Success Center provides advising, tutoring, and career services. Collaboration of these services with the services of the LRC makes it possible for seamless cross-training of staff, inter-service referrals, supplemental instruction, faculty training, and cooperative planning.
The LRC is comprised of four levels to include communications, instructional classrooms, Board Room, conference rooms, three (3) computer centers, general printed library materials, special collections, archives for the college and CME church, study carrels for individual and supplemental instruction. Departments include Communications, Career Services, Academic Retention, Academic Advising, TRIO Student Support Services and the Office of the Provost/Senior Vice President.
The Miles College LRC offers users access to the Alabama Virtual Library which provides online access to essential library and information resources. It primarily supports all general research, peer-reviewed journals/articles for professional research, and comprehensive study. AVL is available to faculty, staff, and students twenty-four hours a day and may be accessed via any mobile or desktop device. Readily accessible tools such as AVL are imperative to the success of all students and to assure that success the LRC has partnered with the University of Alabama at Birmingham (UAB) through the BACHE program. Birmingham Consortium of Higher Education affords all students, faculty, and staff to visit UAB to conduct research and the opportunity to utilize databases that may further aid the professional research of faculty. The LRC is also now a proctoring site for students from the University of Alabama.
Kirkendoll LRC Hours of Operation:

Please note that LRC hours are subject to change during Mid-Term and Finals Week.
Contact Us:
Have a question? Need assistance? Our team of library specialists is here to assist you. Email your questions to Ask-A-Librarian@miles.edu
Online Resources
Alabama Virtual Library - The Alabama Virtual Library provides all students, teachers, and citizens of the State of Alabama with online access to essential library and information resources. It is primarily a group of online databases that have magazine, journal, and newspaper articles for research.
HBCU Digital Collection - A Digital Collection Celebrating the Founding of the Historically Black College and University is a collection of primary resources from HBCU libraries and archives
Ask A Librarian - Email a librarian your questions and receive an answer.
My Account - Check your online account
General Library:
EBSCO Databases:
(Log in information is not required for on-campus use. Ask a librarian for log in information if you need to access EBSCO databases off-campus.)
Business Abstracts with Full Text
Education Full Text
General Science Full Text
Humanities Full Text
OmniFile Full Text Mega
Readers' Guide Full Text Mega
Social Sciences Full Text
GALE Databases:
(Log in information is not required for on-campus use. Ask a librarian for log in information if you need to access GALE databases off-campus.)
Academic OneFile
Educator’s Reference Complete
Expand Academic Asap
GREENR (Global Reference on the Environment, Energy, and Natural Resources)
Infotrac Agriculture Collection
Infotrac Communications & Mass Media Collection
Legal Trac
Alabama Libraries
Alabama Mosaic
Encyclopedia of Alabama
Birmingham Public Library
Image Collection via MasterFILE Premier
Oxford Scholarship Online
Info Trac General OneFile
Literature Resources from Gale
Business and Company Resource Center
Business Index
Business Source Premier
Regional Business News
Vocational and Career Collection
Professional Development Collection
Career Library
Professional Development Collection
Informe (Spanish)
Book Collection: Non-Fiction
Britannica E-Books
Oxford Records Online
Academic Search Premier
Britannica Online Academic Edition
Ethnic News Watch
Expanded Academic ASAP
Funk and Wagnalls New World Encyclopedia
Gale Virtual Reference Library
Gale Power Search
InfoTrac General One File
Student Research Center
Alt Health Watch
Health Source: Consumer Edition
Health Source: Nursing/Academic Edition
Medline Plus
Alabama Mosaic
History Reference Center
Military and Government Collection
Library, Information Sciences & Technology Abstracts
Ethnic Newswatch
Newspaper Source
Opposing Viewpoints in Context
World Data Analyst
Library Orientation Presentations
Library Orientation - Presentation
Guide to using APA Style - Presentation