Advisement and Support
How We Help You
We’re here to help you make the transition to college academics and ensure that you stay on track all the way through graduation. From tutoring and academic coaching, to counseling and cultural enrichment, you’ll find resources and support whenever you need them. And at Miles College, the First and Second Year Enrichment program helps you adjust to college and build a strong foundation for advanced study in your junior and senior years.
Advising & Counseling
Throughout your time at Miles, you’ll partner with an academic advisor to ensure your academic and professional progress. Advisors collaborate with you to develop educational plans that support your career and life goals, and help you to complete your program on time.
Because personal issues can interfere with academic success, we also offer trained counselors to help you anytime you are confronting personal, social and/or emotional difficulties.
The TRIO Program
This comprehensive program provides individual, targeted attention to selected first-generation and low-income students, and students with disabilities, who are having trouble staying on track academically. TRIO services include a team of counselors, tutors and administrators who are dedicated to your success. From tutoring to temporary housing, career planning to leadership development and scholarship applications, the TRIO program provides the motivation and support you need to thrive at Miles College and beyond.
Whether you’re struggling with college-level writing or want help from older students who’ve been in your shoes, you’ll find the tutoring you need at Miles.
First-year students receive tutoring services in English, reading, math, and study skills from other Miles College students.
If you’re enrolled in a developmental course to improve your basic skills in reading, math and writing, you’ll find tutorial assistance as part of your classroom lab. Outside the classroom, you’ll access software modules for further assistance
The Division of Natural Sciences and Mathematics offers drop-in tutorial assistance in physical science, mathematics, chemistry, and biology. You’ll meet with qualified professional and student tutors
Academic Coaching
Work one on one with a coach in the Metacognition Lab — a specialized center that teaches you how to study. You’ll focus on different learning styles and discover which one works best for you. Then you’ll learn how to incorporate different strategies to maximize your strengths.
The Metacognition Lab is staffed with academic coaches who are selected for their academic success and achievements. They work with you to evaluate and assess strategies tailored to take advantage of your favored learning style. Coaches also demonstrate how to implement these strategies as you work through the substantive material in your courses. The coaches assist in all courses, from sciences to English and beyond.
Jump Start
This six-week summer program gives you a jump start on your college journey with courses in English, mathematics, speech, reading, psychology, computer information systems, world civilization and speech. You’ll also enjoy a broad range of evening and weekend activities.
You’ll receive a laptop for the duration of Jump Start–and it’s yours to keep if you decide to enroll at Miles College for the fall semester.
We offer deeply discounted tuition for Jump Start. If you qualify for a full Pell Grant, you may attend at no out-of-pocket cost.
College Chapel Forum
The College Chapel Forum is an integral part of your educational experience. Its cultural and religious enrichment supplements the core values of the college. All students are required to attend and participate in these twice-weekly forums.