Student Records
Miles College will comply with the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA), also known as the Buckley Amendment – 20 U.S.C. - 123g – of 1974.
Pursuant to FERPA requirements, some personal directory information may be released to third parties by Miles College without prior consent of a student unless the student files a written request with the Office of Academic Records to restrict directory information access.
The Registrar has been designated as the FERPA officer for the College. Further information about policy and procedures with respect to privacy of student records may be obtained from the Office of Academic Records.
Location and Use of Education Records
Admission records are located in the Office of Admissions and Enrollment, Bell Building.
Cumulative academic records are located in the Office of Academic Records, Brown Hall.
Financial aid records are located in the Office of Financial Aid, Brown Hall.
Records pertaining to student financial services, tuition and fees are located in the Business Office, Brown Hall.
College-based testing records are located in the Testing and Assessment Center, Student Norton Building.
Graduation records and transcripts verifying attendance are located in the Office of Academic Records, Brown Hall.
Disability records are located in the Counseling Center with the Student Accommodation Services Counselor, Student Norton Building.
All custodians of a student’s education records and other College employees/agents may not disclose any information to third parties without the student’s prior written consent.
Please contact the Office of Academic Records at 205.929.1422 if you have questions or need additional information.
Change of Address or Name. Prior to officially being admitted to the College, changes in address or name or other personal information should be made in the Office of Admissions. Once the student becomes a registered student, or anytime thereafter, changes should be made in the Office of Academic Records. Appropriate documentation may be required to verify some changes.