Miles College Policy Database
Miles College makes every reasonable effort to ensure that the information contained in the Policy Database is accurate and current, but no claim is made by the College that the compendium is exhaustive.
Miles College reserves the right to amend or revoke its policies at any time. New policies are entered as soon as possible after they are approved, but there may be a delay before posting. If you have any doubt or question about a policy in the Policy Database, you should contact the office listed as the “Area” on the Policy Database for that particular policy.
Miles College Policy Database
Title | Preview | Area | Institutional Applicability | SACSCOC Accreditation Applicability | U.S. Dept. of Ed. Accreditation Applicability |
Academic Accommodations Policy | Miles College Office of Disability Services (ODS) collaborates with students, faculty, and staff to create a campus environment that is usable, equitable, sustainable, and inclusive to all students. The core responsibility of this office is to ensure that the institution maintains its compliance with federal regulations that protect the rights of individuals with disabilities in the educational environment. | Academic Affairs | Miles College | N/A | STUDENTS PROTECTED UNDER SECTION 504:https://www2.ed.gov/about/offices/list/ocr/504faq.html |
Academic and Governance Matters Policy | Miles College publishes and implements policies on the authority of faculty in academic and governance matters (Faculty Handbook, pp.51-57) |
Academic Affairs | Miles College | 10.4 (Academic Governance) | N/A |
Academic Calendar | Current and archived academic calendars for the academic year. | Academic Affairs | Miles College | Section 6: Faculty; Section 12: Academic and Student Support Services | N/A |
Academic Credit Policy | Miles College publishes and implements policies for determining the amount and level of credit awarded for its courses, regardless of format or mode of delivery. | Academic Records | Miles College | 10.7 (Policies for Awarding Credit) | N/A |
Academic Freedom-Policy and Procedure | Miles College publishes and implements appropriate policies and procedures for preserving and protecting academic freedom (Faculty Handbook, pp.7-8) |
Academic Affairs | Miles College | 6.4 (Academic Freedom) | N/A |
Academic Policies | Miles College publishes, implements, and disseminates academic policies that adhere to principles of good educational practice and that accurately represent the programs and services of the College. | Academic Affairs | Miles College | 10.1 (Academic Policies) | N/A |
Admissions Policy | Miles College identifies, evaluates, and publishes goals and outcomes for student achievement appropriate to the institution's mission, the nature of the students it serves, and the kinds of programs offered. | Admissions and Enrollment | Miles College | 8.1 Student Achievement; 10.5 (Admission Policies and Practices) | N/A |
Admissions Policy Statement | Miles College publishes admissions policies consistent with its mission. Recruitment materials and presentations accurately represent the practices, policies, and accreditation status of the institution. The institution also ensures that independent contractors or agents used for recruiting purposes and for admission activities are governed by the same principles and policies as institutional employees. |
Admissions and Enrollment | Miles College | 10.5 (Admission Policies and Practices) | N/A |
Alcohol and Illegal Drug Abuse Policy | In conformance with the requirements of the Drug-Free Workplace Act of 1988 and the Drug-Free Schools and Communities Act Amendments of 1989. The object of the policy is to provide a drug-free workplace and campus and to assist employees and students with problems related to alcohol and illegal drug abuse (Staff Handbook, pp. 65-68). | Human Resources | Miles College | N/A | N/A |
American Disabilities Act Policy | Miles College is committed to its role in providing equal opportunity and access to employment and education for persons with disabilities. The college provides reasonable accommodations to otherwise qualified faculty and staff who are disabled or become disabled and need assistance performing the essential functions of their positions (Staff Handbook, pp. 27-28). | Human Resources | Miles College | N/A | N/A |
Athletic Department Policy | The College President has ultimate responsibility for and exercises appropriate control over the College's intercollegiate athletics program. |
Athletics | Miles College | 5.2.b (Control of Intercollegiate Athletics) | N/A |
Birmingham Area Consortium for Higher Education (BACHE) Agreement | Miles College ensures the quality and integrity of the work recorded when an institution transcripts courses or credits as its own when offered through a cooperative academic arrangement. The College maintains formal agreements between the parties involved, and the College regularly evaluates such agreements. |
Academic Affairs | Miles College | 10.9 (Cooperative Academic Arrangements) | N/A |
Blackboard Privacy Policy | Miles College has a written procedure for protecting the privacy of students enrolled in distance and correspondence education courses or programs. |
Academic Affairs | Miles College | 10.6 (Distance and Correspondence Education) | N/A |
Board of Trustees Orientation and Development Policy | Miles College governing board defines and regularly evaluates its responsibilities and expectations. | Office of the President | Miles College | 4.2g (Board Self-Evaluation) | N/A |
Board of Trustees Self Evaluation Policy | Miles College governing board defines and regularly evaluates its responsibilities and expectations. | Office of the President | Miles College | 4.2g (Board Self-Evaluation) | N/A |
Bylaws of the Miles College Board of Trustees | The institution has a governing board of at least five members… | Office of the President | Miles College | 4.1 (Governing Board Characteristics) | N/A |
Campus Master Plan | Miles College ensures adequate physical facilities and resources, both on and off campus, that appropriately serve the needs of the institution’s educational programs, support services, and other mission related activities. |
Physical Plant | Miles College | 13.7 (Physical Resources) | N/A |
Catalog Update Policy and Procedure | Miles College ensures the availability of archived official catalogs, digital or print, with relevant information for course and degree requirements sufficient to serve former and returning students. |
Academic Affairs | Miles College | 10.3 (Archived Information) | N/A |
Collection Development Policy | Miles College provides adequate and appropriate library and learning/ information resources, services, and support for its mission. |
Learning Resource Center (LRC) | Miles College | 11.1 [CR] (Library and Learning /Information Resources) | N/A |
College Catalog | Statements set forth in this catalog are for information and general guidance, but should not be construed as the basis for a strict contract of any kind between the student and the College. The campus units represented herein are subject to both internal and external regulations which necessitate periodic change. | Catalog Committee | Miles College | 10.3 (Archived Information) | N/A |
Constitution of Miles College | Miles College governing board guidelines | Office of the President | Miles College | 4.1 (Governing Board Characteristics) | N/A |
COVID-19 Policy and Procedure | Miles College's faculty, staff, and students safety changes to College policies and procedures implemented to address the COVID-19 world health crisis. | COVID-19 Task Force | Miles College | N/A | N/A |
Definition of Credit Hour Policy | Miles College publishes and implements policies for determining the amount and level of credit awarded for its courses, regardless of format or mode of delivery. | Academic Records | Miles College | 10.7 (Policies for Awarding Credit) | N/A |
Drug and Alcohol Abuse Prevention Program and Poicy Statement (DAAPP) | Miles College has adopted and implemented a program to prevent students and employees from illegally manufacturing, possessing, using, and distributing illicit drugs and alcohol. Such behavior is inconsistent with what is expected of members of the college community. | Human Resources | Miles College | N/A | N/A |
Drug-Free Workplace Policy | Miles College intends to help provide a safe and drug-free work environment for our students, faculty and staff (Staff Handbook, p.68). | Human Resources | Miles College | N/A | N/A |
Emergency Safety Plan | Miles College takes reasonable steps to provide a healthy, safe, and secure environment for all members of the campus community. | Physical Plant | Miles College | 13.8 (Institutional Environment) | N/A |
Evaluating, Awarding and Accepting Credit Policy | Miles College publishes policies for evaluating, awarding, and accepting credit not originating from the institution. | Academic Records | Miles College | 10.8 (Evaluating and Awarding Academic Credit) | N/A |
Faculty Appointment and Evaluation Policy and Procedure | Miles College publishes and implements policies regarding the appointment, employment, and regular evaluation of faculty members, regardless of contract or tenure status (Faculty Handbook, pp.13-15). |
Academic Affairs | Miles College | 6.3 (Faculty Appointment and Evaluation) | N/A |
Faculty Handbook | Miles College's guidelines for faculty. | Academic Affairs | Miles College | Section 6: Faculty | N/A |
Faculty Professional Development-Policy and Procedure | Miles College provides ongoing professional development opportunities for faculty members as teachers, scholars, and practitioners, consistent with the institutional mission. | Academic Affairs | Miles College | 6.5 (Faculty Development) | N/A |
Faculty Promotion & Tenure-Policy and Procedure | Miles College publishes and implements policies regarding the appointment, employment, and regular evaluation of faculty members, regardless of contract or tenure status (Faculty Handbook, pp. 18-29). |
Academic Affairs | Miles College | 6.3 (Faculty Appointment and Evaluation) | N/A |
Financial Aid Policy | The College adheres to the U.S. Department of Education’s stipulation that one of the eligibility requirements for receiving an FSEOG is that you must 1st qualify for a Federal Pell Grant. | Finance and Business | Miles College | N/A | N/A |
Fire Evacuation Plan and Procedure | Miles College takes reasonable steps to provide a healthy, safe, and secure environment for all members of the campus community. | Student Affairs | Miles College | 13.8 (Institutional Environment) | N/A |
Full-time Faculty Workload/Responsibilities-Policy and Procedure | For each of its educational programs, the institution assigns appropriate responsibility for program coordination(Faculty Handbook, pp. 35-40). |
Academic Affairs | Miles College | 6.2b (Program Faculty) | N/A |
Fund Raising Policy | The College President has ultimate responsibility for and exercises appropriate control over the College’s fund-raising activities (Miles College Policies, Procedures, and Guidelines for the Acquisition and Stewardship of Private Gifts, p.2) |
Institutional Advancement | Miles College | 5.2c (Control of Fund-raising Activities) | N/A |
General Education Requirements Policy | Miles College requires the successful completion of a general education component at the undergraduate level. |
Academic Affairs | Miles College | 9.3 [CR] (General Education Requirements) | N/A |
General I.T. Campus Policy | Miles College ensures students' privacy in distance or correspondence education. | Academic Affairs | Miles College | 10.6 (Distance and Correspondence Education) | N/A |
Gift Acceptance Policy | The College President has ultimate responsibility for and exercises appropriate control over the College’s fund-raising activities (Miles College Policies, Procedures, and Guidelines for the Acquisition and Stewardship of Private Gifts, pp.8-9). |
Institutional Advancement | Miles College | 5.2c (Control of Fund-raising Activities) | N/A |
Grading Policy | Miles College makes available to students and the public current academic calendars, grading policies, cost of attendance, and refund policies. | Academic Affairs | Miles College | 10.2 (Public Information) | N/A |
Grant Policy | Miles College maintains financial control over externally funded or sponsored research and programs (Miles College Sponsored Programs Policy and Procedure Manual, pp.2-7) . | Institutional Advancement | Miles College | 13.5 (Control of Sponsored Research/External Funds) | N/A |
Grievance Policy and Procedure | Miles College publishes and implements policies regarding the appointment,employment,and regular evaluation of faculty members, regardless of contract or tenure status (Faculty Handbook, pp.123-125 ). | Academic Affairs | Miles College | 6.3 (Faculty Appointment and Evaluation) | N/A |
Health and Wellness Center Privacy and Confidentiality | Students receiving health care services at the Health and Wellness Center at Miles College have certain privacy rights granted by Alabama state law and by a federal privacy law protecting the privacy of student education records called the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA). | Student Affairs | Miles College | N/A | N/A |
Indirect Cost Policy | This policy establishes guidelines for the recovery, distribution, and use of reimbursements of Indirect Costs (IDC), also known as Facilities and Administrative Costs (F&A), from externally funded grants, contracts, and cooperative agreements, in accordance with the U.S. Office of Management and Budget Uniform Guidance 2 CFR 200. | Institutional Advancement | Miles College | 13.5 (Control of Sponsored Research/External Funds) | N/A |
Information Technology Policy Manual | Miles College protects the security, confidentiality, and integrity of its student records and maintains security measures to protect and back up data. | Information Technology | Miles College | 12.5 (Student Records) | N/A |
Intellectual Property Policy | Miles College encourages research and scholarship and recognizes that inventions, discoveries, and creative works may arise from the scholarly activities of the College. Miles promotes the use of such intellectual property for the public good and encourages development and commercialization of inventions, discoveries, and creative works through patenting or copyrighting (Faculty Handbook, pp.102-118). | Academic Affairs | Miles College | N/A | N/A |
Internal Audit Manual | Outlines the authority and scope of the Internal Audit functions within Miles College and to document standards and provide cohesive guidelines and procedures for the Internal Audit Department. These guidelines aim to provide for consistency, stability, continuity, and standards of acceptable performance. |
Office of the President | Miles College | N/A | N/A |
Interpersonal Relationships and Fraternization Policy | Miles College's employee guidelines in their relations with other employees, both on and off duty (Staff Handbook, pp.68-69). | Human Resources | Miles College | N/A | N/A |
Learning Resource Center Policies and Procedures | Miles College provides adequate and appropriate library and learning/information resources, services, and support for its mission. | Academic Affairs | Miles College | 11.1 [CR] (Library and Learning /Information Resources) | N/A |
Miles College Assessment Guide: Educational, Administrative Support, and Educational Support | Miles College engages in ongoing, comprehensive, and integrated research-based planning and evaluation processes. | Office of Institutional Research and Effectiveness | Miles College | 7.1 (Institutional Planning) | N/A |
Miles College Declaration of Incorporation | Miles College has degree-granting authority. | Office of the President | Miles College | 3.1.a (Degree-Granting Authority); 3.1.c (Continuous Operation) | N/A |
Miles College Online Privacy Policy | Miles College has a written procedure for protecting the privacy of students enrolled in distance and correspondence education courses or programs. |
Academic Affairs | Miles College | 10.6 (Distance and Correspondence Education) | N/A |
Minimum Degree Requirements-Policy Statement | Miles College offers one or more degree programs based on at least 120 semester credit hours or the equivalent at the baccalaureate level. | Academic Affairs | Miles College | 9.2 [CR] (Program Length) | N/A |
NCAA Division II Bylaw 6.1.1 | The College President has ultimate responsibility for and exercises appropriate control over the College's intercollegiate athletics program (NCAA Division II Manual, pp.45-46) |
Athletics | Miles College | 5.2.b (Control of Intercollegiate Athletics) | N/A |
Online Students Privacy Policy | Miles College has a written procedure for protecting the privacy of students enrolled in distance and correspondence education courses or programs (Miles College Distance Learning Policy and Procedure Handbook, pp. 5-7) |
Academic Affairs | Miles College | 10.6 (Distance and Correspondence Education) | N/A |
Part-time/Adjunct Faculty Hire-Policy and Procedure | Miles College employs an adequate number of full-time faculty members to support the mission and goals of the institution (Faculty Handbook, pp. 8-14) | Academic Affairs | Miles College | 6.1 [CR] (FT Faculty) | N/A |
Policy on Policies | Miles College guidelines for institutional policies. | Board of Trustees & Office of the President | Miles College | 6.3 (Faculty Appointment and Evaluation); 6.4 (Academic Freedom) | N/A |
Privacy and Confidentiality Policy | This policy applies to students, faculty, staff, and anyone else who has authorized access to Miles College information including vendors, agents and service bureaus associated with the college (Staff Handbook, pp. 71-73). | Human Resources | Miles College | N/A | N/A |
Program Appropriateness and Program Coherence-Procedures | Educational programs (a) embody a coherent course of study, (b) are compatible with the stated mission and goals, and (c) are based upon fields of study appropriate to higher education. |
Academic Affairs | Miles College | 9.1 [CR] (Program Content) | N/A |
Records Retention and Disposition Schedule Policy | Miles College complies with all federal, state and institutional Records Retention and Disposition Schedule for which the college has involvement. | Finance and Business | Miles College | 12.5 (Student Records) | Overall policy and procedure for admistering Title IV aid. |
Refund Policy | Miles College makes available to students and the public current academic calendars, grading policies, cost of attendance, and refund policies. |
Finance and Business | Miles College | 10.2 (Public Information) | N/A |
Residential Life and Housing Policy | Residence Life and Housing Services is to provide accommodations for residential students to encourage academic achievement and positive interaction with each other. | Student Affairs | Miles College | N/A | N/A |
Sexual Misconduct Policy | In accordance with federal and state law, including Title IX of the Education Amendments of 1972 (“Title IX”) and Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 (Title VII), (Staff Handbook, pp. 47-68). | Human Resources | Miles College | N/A | N/A |
Smoking Policy | Miles College is committed to providing a safe and healthy workplace and to promoting the health and well-being of its employees (Staff Handbook, p. 74). | Human Resources | Miles College | N/A | N/A |
Social Media Policy | Social networking sites should be to foster a virtual community that portrays Miles College in a positive light through information sharing in a community of students, staff, faculty, administrators, and alumni. | Information Technology | Miles College | N/A | N/A |
Sponsored Programs Policy and Procedures | The institution maintains financial control over externally funded or sponsored research and programs. |
Institutional Advancement | Miles College | 13.5 Control of Sponsored Research/External Funds | N/A |
Sponsored Projects Policy | The College President has ultimate responsibility for and exercises appropriate control over the College’s fund-raising activities. |
Institutional Advancement | Miles College | 5.2c (Control of Fund-raising Activities) | N/A |
Staff Handbook | Guidelines for employment at will relationship between Miles College and its employees. | Human Resources | Miles College | N/A | N/A |
Statement of Investment Policy | Miles College exercises appropriate control over all its financial resources. | Finance and Business | Miles College | 13.4 (Control of Finances) | N/A |
Student Complaints Policy (Academic) | Miles College publishes appropriate and clear procedures for addressing written student complaints. | Academic Affairs | Miles College | 12.4 (Student Complaints) | N/A |
Student Complaints Policy (Non-Academic) | Miles College publishes appropriate and clear procedures for addressing written student complaints, (Miles College Student Handbook, p.16). | Student Affairs | Miles College | 12.4 (Student Complaints) | N/A |
Student Records Policy | Miles College protects the security, confidentiality, and integrity of its student records and maintains security measures to protect and back up data (Office of Information Technology Services Policy Manual, pp. 1,3-4,and 6) | Information Technology | Miles College | 12.5 (Student Records) | N/A |
Student Rights Policy | Miles College publishes clear and appropriate statement(s) of student rights and responsibilities and disseminates the statement(s) to the campus community (Miles College Student Handbook, pp.9-10). | Student Affairs | Miles College | 12.3 (Student Rights) | N/A |
Substantive Change Policy | Miles College is responsible to comply with the SACSCOC Substantive Change policy as a condition of its continued accreditation by SACSCOC. Substantive change is defined by SACSCOC as “a significant modification or expansion of the nature and scope of an accredited institution.” | Academic Affairs | Miles College | 14.2 (Substantive change) Southern Association of Colleges and Schools Commission on Colleges (SACSCOC), Substantive Change for Accredited Institutions of the Commission on Colleges: https://sacscoc.org/accrediting-standards/substantive-changes/ |
U.S. Department of Education, Accreditation in the United States, Part 602— Secretary’s Recognition of Accrediting Agencies, Required Operating Policies and Procedures, 602.22, Substantive Change (pp. 12-13): https://www2.ed.gov/policy/highered/reg/hearulemaking/hea08/34cfr602.pdf |
Title IX | In accordance with federal and state law, including Title IX of the Education Amendments of 1972 (“Title IX”) and Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 (Title VII), Miles College prohibits discrimination on the basis of sex in any of its education programs or activities or in employment. |
Human Resources | Miles College | N/A | N/A |
Transfer Credit Policy | At least 25 percent of the credit hours required for an undergraduate degree are earned through instruction offered by the institution awarding the degree. |
Academic Records | Miles College | 9.4 (Institutional Credits for an Undergrad. Degree) | N/A |
Archived versions of Miles College policies are maintained by the Offices of Human Resources and Office of Institutional Research and Effectiveness (OIRE). If you have any questions or comments about archived records, information on this site, or see errors in the policy library, please contact MLJONES@miles.edu.