Students Chill

Drug and Alcohol Abuse Prevention Program and Policy Statement (DAAPP)


Miles College is dedicated to providing a drug and alcohol-free workplace and learning environment for its students and employees. Miles College prohibits the illegal possession, use, manufacture, or distribution of unauthorized drugs and alcohol in the workplace, on campus, or at any Miles College activity. Miles College, including its colleges and centers, is committed to providing a safe and responsive environment for all students and employees.  Drug and Alcohol dependence can affect jobs, academic performance, and productivity.  Miles College strives to address this issue by:

  • Educating students and employees about alcohol and drug abuse to encourage responsible decisions around their use.
  • Intervene on behalf of students and employees who have experienced negative consequences around alcohol and drugs to reduce the harm and manage the risks associated with their use,
  • Support students and employees who are in recovery from substance abuse and addiction,
  • Promote constructive lifestyles and norms that discourage alcohol & drug abuse, and
  • Develop social and physical environments that facilitate alcohol and drug abuse-free lifestyles.

Miles College has established a drug-free and alcohol abuse awareness program to educate its faculty, staff, and students about the dangers of drug and alcohol abuse and the penalties that may be imposed for drug and alcohol abuse violations. All Miles College faculty, staff, and students have access to the Drug and Alcohol Abuse Prevention Program.   As part of this program, Miles College has implemented several measures:

  • Annually, employees and students will be made aware of the Miles Colleges Drug and Alcohol Abuse Prevention Program and Policy Statement by means of electronic mail.
  • Additionally, employees will be provided with a copy of the policy at the beginning of each academic year during the fall and spring institute. 
  • New staff and faculty members will be informed of the policy at New Employee Orientation.
  • Students are sent the policy (through electronic mail) each new semester to ensure the content is conveyed to all students attending Miles College.
  • In addition to the annual notification, students and employees are offered written material, pamphlets, and literature on drug and alcohol abuse. Students and employees attend required training on the drug, and alcohol abuse and prevention.  
  • Drug and alcohol abuse prevention materials will be distributed to all new students attending orientation sessions.


Standards of Conduct

While Miles College recognizes that substance abuse is an illness that requires intervention and support, we strive to provide students and employees with an optimal environment that promotes and secures educational success. Miles College has adopted and implemented a program to prevent students and employees from illegally manufacturing, possessing, using, and distributing illicit drugs and alcohol. Such behaviour is inconsistent with what is expected of members of the college community. One of the initiatives is “Clear the Air,” a Miles College student-led initiative that focuses on adopting a 100% tobacco/vape-free campus policy, joining more than 31,000 students to the nearly 2 million impacted through the Truth Initiative Tobacco/Vape-Free College Program.  As part of a national movement, students, faculty, and administrators work to address smoking, vaping, and nicotine use at Miles College, with a continued commitment to addressing tobacco as a social justice issue, health, and employability issue. Part of that commitment is required annual training for all students, faculty, and staff on alcohol and drug prevention as part of the DAAPP program.

Furthermore, Miles College is committed to enforcing the provisions of the 1988 Drug-Free Workplace Act and the 1989 Drug-Free Schools and Communities Act, Miles College intends for this policy to apply to all campus activities and college-sponsored events, whether on or off campus. Individuals who violate Miles College policy will face disciplinary action. In accordance with the law, every employee and student enrolled in one or more classes for any type of academic credit will be given a copy of the College's policy prohibiting the unlawful possession, use, or distribution of illicit drugs, alcohol, and tobacco products, as well as a description of the applicable legal sanctions under local, state, or federal law, and a description of the health risks associated with the use of such substances.

Legal Sanctions

The following are sanctions based on Alabama laws and civil codes and fall under the jurisdiction of local and state law enforcement for compliance.

Alcohol: Minors convicted in the criminal court system of possession or consumption of alcoholic beverages may be subject to fines, suspension of driver’s license, community service, and a mandatory alcohol education class. Convictions for providing alcohol to minors may subject individuals to fines and a jail term of up to one year. Convictions for driving while intoxicated may subject individuals to up to $2000 in fines and a jail term of up to six months for a first offense. Fines and jail terms escalate after the first conviction.

Tobacco / Nicotine products: As of September 1, 2019, the possession, purchase, consumption, or receipt of cigarettes, e-cigarettes, or tobacco products by individuals under 21 years of age is prohibited by Alabama Tobacco laws and these offenses are subject to fines upon conviction. The sale of these items to individuals younger than 21 years of age is prohibited and is subject to fines upon conviction.

Controlled substances (drugs): Sanctions upon conviction in the criminal court system for possession, distribution, or manufacture of controlled substances range from fines to probation to imprisonment. The amount of fines, terms of probation, or years of imprisonment generally is contingent upon the circumstances and the amounts of drugs in possession, sale, distribution, or manufacture. Below are commonly used drugs, not an exhaustive list.


Dangerous Drugs/ Controlled


Street Name

Crime and Penalty

Possession of a Controlled Substance (PCS) / Dangerous Drug PCS with Intent to Deliver Manufacture or Delivery of a Controlled Substance

(Al Code 13A. Criminal Code § 13A-12-260, §13A-12-211, §13A-12-217)


Cocaine, Ecstasy, Heroin, Marijuana, Methamphetamine, Multiple Prescription Medications

Varies according to the placement of the drug on schedules according to weight/dosage unit.

Can be a Class B Misdemeanor through 1st Degree Felony /$10,000 fine and up to 10-99 years in prison.


Illicit Synthetic Drugs

Street Name

Crime and Penalty

Possession of a Controlled Substance (PCS) / Unlawful distribution of controlled substances; possession with intent to distribute a controlled substance. (Al Code 13A-12-211)

Synthetic Marijuana, Legal Weed, Kush, Synthetic Cathinones, Bath Salts, 25-I, N- BOMe,


Varies according to the placement of the drug on schedules according to weight/dosage unit.

Class D felony/ $10,000 fine and 1 to 5 years in prison.





Consumption or Possession by a Minor

(Al Code 28-1-5; 28-3A-25)

Class C Misdemeanor

Up to $500 fine; Enhancements for subsequent convictions with up to

$500 fine and 90days in jail. Mandatory driver’s license suspension of 90 days to 6 months.

Purchasing for or Furnishing Alcohol to a Minor (Al 12-15-111)

Class A Misdemeanor

Up to 1 year in jail; Up to $6,000 fine

Public Intoxication

(Al code 13A-11-10; 13A-5-12)

Class C Misdemeanor

Up to $500 fine; Enhancements for subsequent convictions up to 6 months in jail.

Driving while intoxicated

(Al Code 32-5A-191)

Class B Misdemeanor

First Offense up to $2,000 fine and 18 days in jail. Numerous enhancements on subsequent convictions

Intoxication Assault

(Al Code13A-6-22)

1st - 3rd degree

Class A misdemeanor to Class B felony

UP to $30,000 fine 2-20 years in prison

Intoxication Manslaughter (Al Code 13A-6-3(A)(1))

Class B felony

Up to $30,000 fine 2-20 years in prison


1st Offense


2nd Offense


3rd Offense


4th Offense  Class C felony

Up to $2,000 in fines. License suspended 30 days up to 1 year in jail

Up to $5,000 in fines. License suspended for 1 year and up to 1 year in jail

Up to $10,000 in fines. License suspended for 1 year and up to 1 year in jail

Up to $10,000 in fines. License suspended for 1 year and up to 1 year in jail






Possession, Purchase, Consumption, or Receipt of Cigarettes, E-Cigarettes, or Tobacco Products by Minor

(Al Code 28-11-13)

Class “C” Misdemeanor

Up to $200 fine; minors can be ordered to attend E-Cigarette or Tobacco Awareness programs and/or community service

Sale of Cigarettes, E-Cigarettes, or Tobacco Products to Persons Younger than 21 years of Age

(Al Code 13A-12-3)

Class “C” Misdemeanor

Up to $500 fine; Enhancements for subsequent convictions up to $1,000 and permit suspensions are possible up to 30 days in jail.


College Disciplinary Actions

Since Miles College policy prohibits the unlawful possession, use, or distribution of illegal drugs, alcohol, and tobacco products on campus and at college-sponsored events held off campus, any employee admitting to or convicted of such unlawful possession, use, or distribution of these substances will be subject to disciplinary action (up to and including suspension without pay, and termination). Employees may be required to satisfactorily participate in a drug and alcohol assistance or rehabilitation program or may be referred for prosecution.

Students who violate this policy shall be subject to appropriate disciplinary action as outlined in Miles College’s "Student Disciplinary System and the Student Code of Conduct."  (Located on page 32 of the Handbook). Such disciplinary action may include referral to alcohol, tobacco, and drug counselling, tobacco cessation or rehabilitation programs or student assistance programs, expulsion, and referral to appropriate law enforcement officials for prosecution.

Good Samaritan Policies

Senate Bill 1331 (2011) states that in the event of possible alcohol poisoning, a person under 21 calling for help for him or herself or another will not be cited for possessing or consuming alcohol. The immunity for minors is limited to the first person who calls for assistance only if he/she stays on the scene and cooperates with law enforcement and medical personnel.

Health Risks

The abuse of drugs and alcohol can lead to a variety of serious consequences including poor academic and work performance, poor decision making, poor morale, work errors, wasted time and materials, damage to equipment, theft, tardiness, absenteeism, accidents which injure the drug user, accidents which put all employees and students at risk of injury and may lead to disciplinary action, prosecution, illness, and even death. Users of these substances experience depression, isolation, loss of memory, loss of coordination, impaired judgment, reduced morale, anxiety, paranoia, and loss of self-respect.

On average, at least 50% of college students’ sexual assaults are associated with alcohol use. One study reported that 74% of the perpetrators and 55% of the victims of rape had been drinking alcohol. Consumption by the perpetrator and/or the victim increases the likelihood of acquaintance and sexual assault. In addition, one in five college students abandons safer sex practices when intoxicated.

Tobacco use is the leading cause of death, disability, and several chronic diseases, including cancer, lung disease, and cardiovascular disease. Smoking has been linked to at least 12 cancers in the body. Every year, 1 in 3 cancer deaths is caused by smoking. It is estimated that secondhand smoke exposure is responsible for 34,000 heart disease deaths and 7,300 lung cancer deaths each year among U.S. adults.  E-cigarettes and other vaping devices have been linked to a plethora of health problems including severe lung damage and death.

Other Risks/Consequences

Federal Financial Aid – If you are convicted of a drug-related felony or misdemeanor while receiving federal student aid, you may be ineligible to receive further aid for a specified period upon conviction. The other convictions that might affect your aid is a forcible or nonforcible sexual offense, and you are subject to an involuntary civil commitment upon completion of a period of incarceration for that offense, you cannot receive a Federal Pell Grant. Other areas in which the use of alcohol or drugs can have a negative impact include but are not limited to employment and housing. 

Available Counseling and Treatment Programs

Both the Miles College Office of Human Resources and the Miles College Student Affairs offer services to employees and students who are seeking support regarding alcohol, tobacco, and other drug issues. Students receive counseling and other services through by enrolling.  The Human Resource Office at Miles College will assist employees with information concerning insurance coverage and information regarding EPA services. Both offices can provide a list of private and public hospitals, mutual self-help organizations, public treatment centers, and private drug treatment practitioners. Information regarding an individual’s request for services will remain confidential. Miles College Human Resource Office nor any other entity at the College will be notified or informed of an employee or student’s choice to receive assistance for drug or alcohol issues, including those who use insurance or the Employee Assistance Program.

Resources for Support


Vice President for Student Affairs
Rev. Leon Parker, III
205.929.1156 /

Chief Human Resource Officer
Dr. Patricia Wilson,
205-929-1440 /

Miles College Department of Public Safety
205-929-1720 /

New Horizon Employee Assistance Program (for Miles College employees) 713.500.3327

Miles College “Bear Care”
Timely Care medical/and counseling services to students enrolled at Miles College


(12) Twelve Step Alcoholics Anonymous (AA) Drug Rehab Facilities in Birmingham, Alabama 866-716-0142

Find AA meetings in the Birmingham Area

The Greater Birmingham, AL | Al-Anon-Alateen Family Groups (Support for friends and families of alcoholics)

Birmingham Narcotics Anonymous – | 800/407/7195 |



Aletheia House
4246 5th Avenue South, Birmingham Alabama 35222
Addiction Hotline 866-716-0142



Freedom from Smoking Online Program
An evidence-based program consisting of eight self-paced modules to help quit tobacco.

This is Quitting, a youth/young-adult e-cigarette quit program that is accessed by texting "DITCHJUUL" to 88709. Parents and other adults looking to help young people quit should text "QUIT" to 202.899.7550.

Center for Disease Control and Prevention  Offers a variety of programs and resources 800.QUIT.NOW.

Quitnowalabama is a program that offers help to become an expert in living tobacco-free. Confidential phone counseling services and resources such as nicotine patches, gums, or lozenges are free to those who qualify. Call the toll-free Quitline: Alabama Tobacco Quitline: 1-800-QUIT-NOW (784-8669)

Truth Initiative Vaping Text Line For youth and young adults: Text “DITCHJUUL” to 88709

Information for parents / other adults: Text “QUIT” to 202.899.7550